Easy Digital Downloads Gravity Forms Checkout v1.5.3

Original price was: $999.00.Current price is: $4.99.



Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) Gravity Forms Checkout bridges the gap between two popular WordPress plugins, allowing you to create custom purchase forms using the powerful features of Gravity Forms. This eliminates the need for the standard EDD checkout page, giving you more control over the buying experience. Leverage Gravity Forms’ conditional logic, calculations, and a wider range of field types to craft unique checkout experiences for your customers.

Top 5 Things to Know About Easy Digital Downloads Gravity Forms Checkout:

  1. Customizable Checkout Forms: Design checkout forms tailored to your specific products and needs. Go beyond the basic EDD checkout by including additional fields, like customer preferences or size selections.
  2. Gravity Forms Integration: Unlock the power of Gravity Forms within your checkout process. Utilize features like conditional logic to display fields based on selections, or leverage calculation fields to dynamically adjust pricing.
  3. Seamless Purchase Experience: Provide a smooth checkout journey for your customers. Bypassing the standard EDD checkout simplifies the purchase process and keeps users focused on completing their orders.
  4. Unified Reporting & Delivery: Benefit from EDD’s robust reporting and file delivery system. Track sales data and ensure downloads reach customers effortlessly, all within the EDD ecosystem.
  5. Works with Any Payment Gateway: No matter your preferred payment processor, EDD Gravity Forms Checkout integrates seamlessly. This ensures compatibility with your existing setup.

Top 5 Reasons to Use Easy Digital Downloads Gravity Forms Checkout:

  1. Enhanced Checkout Experience: Craft unique checkout forms that resonate with your brand and products. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and potentially higher conversion rates.
  2. Conditional Logic & Calculations: Utilize Gravity Forms’ conditional logic to tailor the checkout flow based on user selections. Additionally, leverage calculation fields to dynamically adjust pricing for product variations or discounts.
  3. Streamlined Workflow: Simplify your workflow by managing purchases and downloads within the familiar EDD interface. No need to switch between plugins to manage different aspects of the sales process.
  4. Flexibility & Customization: Gain more control over the checkout process. This plugin empowers you to create forms that precisely match your needs and branding.
  5. Improved Data Collection: Collect valuable customer data beyond just basic purchase information. Gravity Forms’ wide range of field types allows you to gather additional insights to improve your marketing and sales strategies.

Top 5 Features of Easy Digital Downloads Gravity Forms Checkout:

  1. Dedicated Purchase Forms: Create unique forms for each product or group of products.
  2. Gravity Forms Integration: Leverage all the functionalities and features available within Gravity Forms.
  3. Multiple Product Purchases: Allow customers to purchase multiple products through a single, streamlined form.
  4. Conditional Logic & Calculations: Fine-tune the checkout process based on user selections and dynamically adjust pricing.
  5. Seamless EDD Integration: Enjoy a smooth workflow with EDD’s reporting and file delivery system.


Easy Digital Downloads Gravity Forms Checkout empowers you to create a unique and optimized checkout experience for your digital products. By harnessing the flexibility of Gravity Forms, you can collect valuable customer data, streamline the purchase process, and potentially boost conversions. This plugin is ideal for anyone seeking a more customizable and feature-rich checkout solution within the EDD ecosystem.


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